Expert solutions designed to boost your ESG performance
S&P Global helps you take control of your ESG presence with practical, useful data and expert analysis. Our specialist teams are actively engaged with companies and investors worldwide, understanding and evaluating thousands of factors that drive successful environmental, social and governance practices. This insight gives you the power to determine, benchmark, and communicate ESG opportunities and risks to avoid pitfalls and accelerate progress.
S&P Global ESG Scores give financial institutions the transparency and flexibility to drill down into three underlying Environmental, Social and Governance & Economic Dimension Scores, with an average of 23 Criteria Scores.
The S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA) converts intangible aspects of your company's sustainability performance into tangible scores. Establish a baseline of your company’s ESG performance on a wide range of industry-specific economic, environmental and social criteria.
Get insights into your firm’s sustainability performance through unique services leveraging ESG Benchmarking know-how to drive sustainability business practices.
Communicate your corporate purpose and commitment to stakeholders, connect more deeply with your customers and demonstrate long-term value creation strategies to your investors.
The Sustainability Yearbook awards companies that have demonstrated superior sustainability performance in their industry with Gold-, Silver- and Bronze-Class distinctions. Over 7,000 companies assessed in the 2020 Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA) were considered for The Sustainability Yearbook. Only 631 companies with top ESG scores made it into the Yearbook.
An ESG Evaluation is a forward-looking, long term opinion of a company’s readiness for disruptive ESG risks and opportunities.
External Reviews & Opinions Total issuance of sustainable debt has surpassed $1 trillion and is on a firm upward trajectory. Green issuance and investment have been propelled by the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement and the impetus it created to finance a wide range of initiatives to limit global warming.
S&P Global Ratings can provide a second party opinion on a company’s framework or issuance’s alignment with the Green Bond Principles or Green Loan Principles.
S&P Global Ratings has long considered Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors in its credit ratings, and we capture ESG factors in many areas of our methodology.
Today, investors who deliberately apply an ESG lens to investing are growing rapidly worldwide as more come to realize the risks of separating such issues from business fundamentals.
The development of infrastructure in cities and regions across the world is critical to economic growth and social well-being.
Explore the ‘Energy Transition’ and its credit implications.
The Trucost Climate Change Physical Risk dataset helps companies understand the exposure of their owned facilities and capital assets to climate change physical impacts under future climate change scenarios.
Our portfolio audits inform a broad range of questions about portfolio exposure to climate change factors.
Informing business decisions along the value chain.
The TCFD recommendations provide guidance to all market participants on the disclosure of information on the financial implications of climate-related risks and opportunities so that they can be integrated into business and investment decisions.
Credit Analytics blends cutting-edge models with robust data to help you reliably assess the credit risk of rated and unrated, public and private companies across the globe.
Discover multiple layers of ESG insight with S&P Global ESG Scores, powered by the deep heritage of the SAM Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA).
S&P Global Platts charts the transition to lower-carbon energy sources and its impact on commodity markets.
The Platts Analytics Future Energy Outlook (FEO) defines and tracks the critical assumptions behind our worldwide oil, gas and overall energy projections with a focus on our medium and longer-term outlooks for balances, prices and emissions.
Build strategies and make decisions with greater conviction using our insight, analytical tools and data across future supply, demand and price.
Wherever your focus in the energy and commodities markets, S&P Global Platts gives you the prices, news and analysis you need to act with confidence
Sustainability is an increasing concern in the commodities industry – from carbon emissions trading to the development of renewables
The Platts Global Integrated Energy Model provides users with a practical and customizable tool to study the evolution of the global energy system.
Our core ESG indices include best-in-class indices such as the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI), which target the top 10% of ESG performers, as well as broader market indices such as the S&P 500 ESG Index, designed to closely track its parent index with a similar risk and return profile and low tracking error.
Designed to address climate change and the transition to a low-carbon economy, these indices address different carbon reduction objectives—including carbon-efficient and fossil-fuel-free-strategies.
We offer a number of indices that provide targeted exposures to specific ESG themes such as clean energy and water.
These indices, which include access to green bonds, water, and renewable energy, apply ESG methodologies to fixed income strategies.