On February 28, 2022, S&P Global completed its merger with IHS Markit, the next step in delivering data, technology and expertise that accelerates progress.
As great as last year was for our company, in many ways 2022 is shaping up to be even better. In February, we closed a transformative merger with IHS Markit. We believe combining our two companies will create substantial long-term value for all our stakeholders.
The S&P Global Foundation is about much more than philanthropy—we are about making a difference by finding and developing essential connections between the knowledge- and skill-driven work of S&P Global and the needs of society.
As the war in Ukraine continues, many are turning to electric vehicles as a solution to price surges amid the rise in sanctions against Russia. This push for EVs, however, comes with its own set of challenges as metal prices skyrocket and battery supply chains face pressure from the invasion.
As the Russia-Ukraine conflict continues, the metals industry is feeling the effects. Prices for metals have risen sharply amid high demand and supply chain issues, along with imposed sanctions against Russia.
With a full scale invasion of Ukraine now under way, stock markets, global trade, energy markets, and commodities markets are all registering the impact of a new geo-political reality.
在S&P Global,我们重视您的隐私,并致力于理解尊重个人隐私权的必要性。作为一家全球性的数据和分析公司,提供重要情报要求我们维护客户的信任。
鉴于迅速发展的全球隐私法规,在S&P Global,我们尊重当地的隐私法律,隐私合规是一个核心考虑。